Buckwheat diet for weight loss – a simple and effective way to get rid of excess weight. This is one of the most common methods of weight loss. The main advantage of system is an excellent efficiency. According to the comments of the losers of the weight in only 1-2 weeks of the diet, you can lose up to 7-10 kg Main — tune the results and respect all the rules of the diet. There are many varieties of plan on the basis of buckwheat from the mono-diet to lose weight fast, the finish is quite varied multi menu. The effectiveness of all these methods depends, in the first place, the useful properties of buckwheat, as well as the absence in the diet of fast carbs. In these conditions, the organization, to get necessary for the subsistence of the energy, starts to break down the available fat in the body. This ensures you of the important inputs of nutrients are high-quality product of the purification of the body, improves the appearance, health, mood.

The use of buckwheat
Useful properties of buckwheat depends on its unique composition, all the elements that have a positive impact on the health of the man:
- The high content of iron. If the body has determined the decline in the level of iron, you can notice the following symptoms: improvement of unexplained fatigue, decreased performance, distraction and no concentration, decreased immunity.
- Low calorie content. In the cheese product, it has 330 kcal./100 g, and the buckwheat porridge is lower in calories 110 kcal./100 g, which refers to food ingredients.
- High fibre content. In a cup of buckwheat delivers 20% of the fibre required per day for the proper functioning of the body. But it does not have carbohydrates fast through regular use of buckwheat will not lead to a set of extra pounds. Thus, it contributes to the proper peristalsis of the intestines.
- In 100 g of raw rice contains about 12 g of protein of plant origin, necessary for the effective weight-loss and the proper functioning of the whole organism.
The High value of nutrient buckwheat does not prevent the weight loss, but, on the contrary, contributes to it. It contains slow that carbohydrates are spread out long enough, providing gradual release of glucose, each portion is immediately spent to support the metabolic processes. This is not formed of residues which may be delayed in the fat, as it occurs during the entry into the body of fast carbs, flour and sugary foods. However, the fiber contained in the oatmeal, displays NOSOCOMIAL all the "waste". This purification has a beneficial effect on the metabolism, encouraging a greater use of fat reserves. And absorbed into the bloodstream of vitamins and other useful substances are stepping up their own forces of the body, you starts to forge his work.

The advantages of the slimming on the buckwheat
Taking everything into account, what good buckwheat, we can say that the system based on this product, when properly his compliance not only helps to normalize weight, but also improve health, get rid of certain diseases, rejuvenate your body, improve your appearance. In addition, the technique itself has a set of advantages when compared to many similar systems of power. Thanks to its beneficial properties of buckwheat are found to be integrated of beneficial effects on many systems, organs, and the procedure in them of the process:
- increases immunity;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- activates the circulation of the blood;
- normalizes the work of the liver, the GASTROINTESTINAL organs;
- decreases the level of bad cholesterol;
- marc displays of waste, toxic substances, degradation products;
- removed the pockets;
- eliminates heartburn;
- improves the condition of the skin.
- increases resistance to stress.

All in all, in the time of the diet of buckwheat to establish functions of the organization as a whole. The principle of the diet is quite simple and has the following advantages:
- The plan is simple. The menu is very simple to plan. The uniqueness of his being, that he should not eat strictly on time.
- Cook the buckwheat is very easy and does not take much time.
- The price of the products. The semolina should not cost you too expensive, at the same stored, it is very long and no need to worry, that it crashed. You can immediately arm yourself with the right amount of rice and the store need;
- Results very fast. This may be the main advantage for the women and men willing to lose weight. The day is going to go up to 1 kg.
- The absence of the sensation of hunger. Buckwheat is rich in carbohydrates metabolism product, resulting in quite a long time to feel satiety.
- Will not be out of weakness. The organization of buckwheat receives minerals, vitamins, proteins and complex carbohydrates.
- The buckwheat is the most useful and effective of all the options of the plans. For vegetarians, it is the substitute of meat because of the high content of iron, calcium, zinc and phosphorus, as well as a multitude of vitamins needed by the body;
- With a good output the power you can maintain the result of a certain period of time.
- The semolina is gluten free, therefore, the likelihood of an allergic reaction is minimal.
- Buckwheat is a small caloric content, thanks to what it can be used practically in unlimited quantities. In this case, you will not be agonist the sensation of hunger.
- Thanks to the large number of useful substances, slimming diet on the buckwheat is not only due to the reduction of the weight, but also help pulling it towards the top of the skin and reduction of cellulite.

The disadvantages of the diet of buckwheat:
Despite the fact that this regime has a large number of positive cases, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:
- Withstand such a diet is quite difficult, need a good will and a strong character. Even for those who are madly in love with this product, during the process of slimming, you pretty tired.
- Supply buckwheat is salt-free. Because of this, the process of weight loss is the excretion of large amounts of fluid. This, in turn, may contribute to the appearance of headache, weakness, fatigue. To avoid this, it is useful to determine if this method is for you. For this, we recommend that you spend one or two unloading of the day on the buckwheat.
- Too strict limits to consume, you can only steam cooked buckwheat, water, unsweetened herbal or green tea, resulting from the organization under-paid of the multitude of elements, can reduce the glands that produce the enzymes for cleavage of buckwheat, which can result in non-assimilation in the future;
- Fast of the dependence of the body – the maximum duration of a mono-strict diet, may not exceed 14 days, because then, appears the dependence of the buckwheat porridge, because of what the weight loss stops;
- Buckwheat contains a lot of useful substances, but they are not enough to switch from survival of the organization. If this is to take a multivitamin complex, they may develop deficiencies in vitamins;
- The deterioration of the health – increased fatigue, weakness, headache, fall in blood pressure, may worsen chronic diseases.
- During the hard options, there is a greater likelihood of failure, if the person has a behavior to a food-poor food and does not have the right determined attitude.
- The rapid weight loss. This is not the only advantage but also a disadvantage, because the body will experience a simply enormous stress. If it is not "out" of food, this book has fallen as quickly back.

To avoid the appearance of side effects of the phenomena to adhere to a strict diet of buckwheat with caution. If you have unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to immediately out of this power system. Otherwise, you can cause serious damage to the health or cause of psychological disorders.
General principles of the plan of buckwheat:
Lose weight on the buckwheat diet is not due to hunger, because fiber-rich oatmeal is able to saturate quickly, efficiently, permanently. But to get the effect you want to cook dietary of porridge buckwheat need in some way.
Preparation of buckwheat for slimming
The principle of the cooking of buckwheat in this case is different from the usual is not cooked, and the steam of the boiling water. To do this, you need to:
- rinse 1 cup buckwheat;
- pour into a saucepan with a lid;
- pour 2-3 cups boiling water (depending on desired consistency);
- wrap up the night.
For breakfast, the porridge is ready. Very convenient to use these for food thermos. You can't add to the boiled any fat, it is not recommended to salt. You can spice it up herbs. Cooked oatmeal use in accordance with the recommendations of the plan specific.
The basic rules of the diet of buckwheat:

- Eat fractional, at least 4-5 times per day.
- Each meal with a diet should consist of steamed buckwheat. In the day, he must eat 400 g of cereal (to weigh in the dry form).
- The effectiveness of the regime of increase, if for the preparation of the porridge does not use the usual noodles rump, and raw buckwheat.
- You need to drink lots of purified water, without gas, at least 1.5-2.5 litres per day.
- The dinner later, at 19:00 hours.
- The diet can contain 1 liter of yogurt 1%, fruit, vegetables non starchy foods (cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage).
- In the diet should also include unsweetened herbal tea, a drink which is preferably a half-hour before meals. Herbal tea promotes normal nervous system, which is very important when weight loss.
- Need for sleep, the sleep duration should not be less than 8 hours.
- In order to prevent sagging of the skin should be applied anti-cellulite, nourishing cream, it is also recommended to take regular showers.
- To improve the efficiency of the system, it is recommended to increase physical activity.
- During a diet, you should take a multivitamin complex, to fill the gap in the body all the vitamins, trace elements and minerals.
- After completing the course of weight loss is necessary to make a gradual return to the normal display of the nutrition. A familiar product should be administered in small quantities.
Types of plans the buckwheat
Buckwheat diet can be very rigid, but to maximise their impact, and gentle enough, to get rid of excess weight slowly but steadily. Varieties of much, so that during the selection, it is necessary to take into account the more the regime is, the higher the efficiency and the ability to obtain a quick result. In addition, any method may improve, if intelligently complete with products for men.
According to the poor sophie constraints and characteristics of the diet of buckwheat diet can be divided into three types:
- Strict buckwheat mono – implies use only steamed buckwheat at will, and at least 2 l of water;
- Buckwheat-kefir less rigid, because in addition to the previous "card" is the kefir (no more than 1% fat, not more than 1 l per day);
- Lightweight and buckwheat – has a large number of varieties, everything is relatively balanced power mode.

The choice of the methodology depends on the state of health, presence of contraindications, the number of extra pounds and to keep to the dates of loss of weight. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each of them and the portability of certain restrictions.
Mono -
The classic version of the plan, buckwheat – the more severe, very simple and maximum effective. Thanks to the presence in the diet of complex carbohydrates, saturation occurs rapidly, and the feeling of satiety is maintained for a long time. When the body of the poster of the excess fluid, to enable the splitting of fat reserves, which allows for fast enough to lose volume and weight.
This methodology is based on the use of an unlimited number of buckwheat and rich to drink pure water. It is necessary to respect two simple rules:
- go to 6 meals per day;
- drink 2 l of water per day.
When this water that you should drink half an hour before a meal or after a half-hour after the consumption of the porridge.
Proposal of supply scheme shall be the following:
- in the morning, on an empty stomach – 0.5 liters of hot water;
- after half-an-hour – a portion of buckwheat;
- after a half-hour – 0.2 l of water;
- after half an hour or an hour – the second portion of buckwheat, and so on.
Animals replace 1-2 glasses of water, green or herbal teas.

Comply with such plan may be 3 to 14 days depending on the health. Stop it, you can every day, but it must be done gently, not nakalipas of the food, especially the fatty, sugary, pastries and other "unhealthy" products. Repeat allowed in a month, after having recovered a stock of vitamins and minerals. If it proves to be too difficult, you can go on the more "soft" option that allows the consumption of green tea and some fat-burning products. In this case, the glass washed raw buckwheat it is necessary to fill the night with 2 cups of hot water. Ready to swollen rump to the morning should be divided into several meals, and eating, drinking kefir (no more than 1 l per day). Lose weight on buckwheat, kefir, diet can be very different according to the duration from 3 days to 2 weeks depending of well-being, the desire, the will to power. This period may be to lose 3 to 10 kg (average 1 kg per day, but first the weight of the spell was intense, and after 14 days usually stops). If the strict buckwheat diet will be transferred too hard, it is better to give preference to the same less rigorous restrictions. They allow you to get rid of the same amount of kilos, but it will take a few more days. But the feeling of hunger will be much less, particularly with the addition to the ration of protein of animal origin.