The lack of excess weight, a pledge of vitality, well-being and good health. A sleek silhouette gives self-confidence and increases the self-esteem. Reduce the weight of the house and without any equipment — it is necessary to do exercises to lose weight.

There are different sets of exercises for weight loss of the house:
- women;
- men;
- children;
- suffering from obesity;
- wanting to perform the drying process request information of the body.
Exercises for the harmony of the sentence to choose according to your wishes, abilities, age, weight and growth, as well as the individual characteristics.
On the internet there are lots of articles with exercises to lose weight in a week, but it is important to remember that the key to success to get rid of excess weight for ever, to the fluidity. The best exercises for losing weight are to change to prepare somebody to make a way of life, and not an immediate effect.
In addition to traditional classes in the gym or at home with the equipment, there are also exercises to lose weight:
- yoga;
- pilates;
- the stretch.
In these areas, the focus is on the tension of the muscles and integrated to the relaxation of the body, which helps to reduce the tissue layer. The gymnastics for losing weight easily done at home, because it does not require equipment and materials. The effect of slimming is realized in account of the systematic studies and the relaxation of the muscles. To achieve this result, it is recommended to combine the physical activity restrictions in the diet.
The universal rule of weight reduction:
Slim body spends more calories than the consumption. Exercises to lose weight at home will be effective if accompanied by good nutrition and diet.
When and where better to start
The weight loss should be sent, in the first place, on the recreation. Understand that excess weight affects your health, and you must go on a diet, to lose weight, you can on the following grounds:
- you feel exhausted, don stops to sleep and not control your appetite;
- you're focused on the food, eat a lot of the poor quality of food and dietary supplements;
- you have the increase in pressure or signs of diabetes;
- because of the weight gain you feel pain in the body;
- you, it has become difficult to maintain regular activity and exercise;
- during the execution of some exercises, you have the shortness of breath, increased sweating and palpitations.
There is a mathematical approach to the definition of excess weight:
The BMI (body mass index) = weight (kg) : height (in meters) x height (in meters)
Normal recognized the index up to a value of 25. If the rate is the highest, this shows that the weight loss, because in this case, the weight begins to have a negative impact on health. The index of more than 30 speaks of the initial phase of obesity. Fitness for weight loss — a great way to get into shape desired, and to establish well-being. There is a lot of variation of course, and for a start, you can choose a workout according to individual preferences. It is necessary to calculate the number of calories consumed based on the options and stick to this figure in the development of a power plan. The main points on which attention should be given to the loss of the amount of fat in the body, has been safely:

- need to not lose more than 1 kg per week, which is optimal for the preservation of muscle mass;
- you can't significantly reduce the fats content in your diet should be approximately 20%;
- the diet should be balanced, and be sure to contain vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements.
Effective breathing exercises for weight loss
The breath plays a key role in the functioning of the body. It is able not only to ensure his own subsistence, but also regulate the internal processes. One of the most effective exercises for weight loss is considered as breathing exercises. It has many advantages:
- the oxygen helps absorb the nutrients in the stomach;
- breathing exercises contribute to the bursting of harmful substances;
- help reduce the stress hormone in the body;
- breathing exercises to lose weight, you can do at home;
- has a beneficial effect on the body of the woman;
- when it is done correctly, you waiting for a super effect.
The basic principle of each method — use the abdominal breathing, in which inspiration and expiration, inflating the belly. By combining the different techniques presented by the technique, you bring up a great benefit to your body. The course duration does not exceed 20 minutes. By giving complex all the time every day, don't forget to warm up, you reach the desired effect quickly and without difficulty.
We bring the buttocks in your
Any physical activity, as a function of load intensity, helps to reduce the fat of body and on all parts of the torso evenly. However, there are exercises aimed at the development of separate spaces. It is a complex to fit the thighs and the buttocks.
There are five basic exercises to lose weight that will be suitable for beginners
- Standing on its four legs, of the queue, lift each leg up, bending the knee, before the onset of the tension in the buttocks. Keep your back straight and the hands — to the perpendicular of the torso. Distribute the load to the four legs evenly. Follow the 3-4 sets of 15 times on each leg.
- Flex the technique of the “bends”. It is different from the normal squat to perform widely spread legs. This allows you to work the inner thighs. Do 3 sets of 15 times.
- Jump to the rope. It is a game of children in the top a effective training for the buttocks in the house. To jump it should be, landing on the socks. Therefore, you have to analyse the calves and optimal load. Duration of a few repetitions of 5 minutes.
- Using the low as a bench or a ledge at the surface, climb on it and descend at a rapid pace. The practice it takes about 5 minutes without interruption of several approaches. Try to keep a housing fixed.
- Become exactly as before squatAnemi. Remaining on the supporting leg, take the second back cross, and then follow the squat. This exercise allows you to move the emphasis of the load on the supporting leg and of a quality to work the muscles of the buttock and the thigh. Do 3-4 sets of 15 times on each leg.

In order to achieve a result is worth investigating the training mode, by adhering to which you can easily lose weight at home. The optimum way to do it 4-5 times per week, give body a break and restore. Calculate the days, when you exercise, and write formed the timetable, respecting the plan of the course. If you make the training the best possible.
Do thin feet
In the exercises to lose weight every day, fits perfectly in the complex of feet. It is simple, but effective, and therefore suitable for beginners and for firm sports fans:
- Standing to the right, follow the mahi kicking in different body face. For convenience, you can take the support at the front. Follow the not in a hurry to work the muscles of the quality. Make 3 to 4 repeat 15 times.
- Squats are capable to influence actively not only on the buttocks, but on the thighs. Perform 3 sets of 15-20 times. Try squat gently, so as not to damage the knees.
- The running on the spot will help you to reduce the body weight without effort. The more effective the track at about 4 minutes at a normal pace and alternate with 60 seconds of running to maximize the pace for you.
Try to include in the exercises which help to lose weight, jogging in summer, guests can exercise in the street. Cardiovascular workouts are regarded as the best in the field of weight loss. The sports activities can not only lose weight, but to strengthen it, to improve the body in general. Try to include in the course of these techniques that you like, and indulge in pleasure — then slimming will be for you a nice bonus.
Create a flat stomach
If you are concerned about the excess weight in the belly, you help to simple exercises to lose weight. In their complex comprises the set of simple techniques to reduce the fat in the area of the abdomen and flanks:
- The oscillation of the press. You need to go to the back position. Keep your hands behind your head and gradually remove the upper part of the torso to the ground. The proper technique involves the tension through the abdominal muscles. Make 4-5 approaches 10 to 15 times.
- Planck is a powerful exercise for the belly and the hips. Lying on the back, the rise on the elbows or the palms of the hands, ripping off the upper part of the housing of the ground. After that, the increase on the socks. Your body must maintain a balance on four points: two hands and two feet. You try to stay static for as long as possible. Optimum time of 5 minutes.
- One of the main teachings of the slim waist and a flat stomach is "empty". It must be exactly, to breathe as deeply as possible and with the exhalation strongly pull in the stomach itself. With the help of "empty", you can see the first results of the slimming for a week. Its well worth doing on an empty stomach, by reducing the muscles for 5 minutes, and more.
- Side of the press. It is a physical exercise different from the classic option, the fact that the initial position — lying on the side, not on the back. Side of the press allows you to purge the obliques, to form the size and burn the fat in this area. Follow the 5 approaches 10 times on each side.
- Accept the position lying on the back. Pull the leg forward and the hands start by the nape of the neck. With the exhalation, lift your legs up, how to "push" heat bottom of the press. The exercise has an impact on the issue of the abdomen, in which deposits accumulate in the first. Made 5 approaches 10 times.
To lose weight fast at home, especially when it comes to the stomach, it is important to maintain the results of the current of the power supply. By reducing the volume of the abdomen, you can easily present in the form, thanks to the physical exercise.
To strengthen the back and do a graceful
A lot of beginner athletes looking for a workout program to lose weight, that encompasses all the muscle groups, forgetting the back. The spine is an extremely important organization that supports all the systems of the body and offers him / her a movement. Often, the cause of excess weight is a disorder of muscle from the engine to the unit. A selection of exercises for the back will help you avoid the pain of it in a comprehensive way and strengthen the body:

- It should lie on the back with the arms stretched along the body. At the expiration of lifting the pelvis on the ground, bend in the back. A good workout requires a pause of 1 to 2 seconds at the top. Breathing — put yourself in the original position. Re-runs of 20 or 30 times.
- In a sitting position on the mat, raise your arms up, creating a tension. By tightening the muscles of the buttock, move to the carpet front and back for 5 minutes with breaks.
- Standing, lift one leg and place it on the protrusion of the surface. The second stop is located exactly on the ground. At the expiry of lean towards the front of the hull of the leg, stretching out the muscles. Follow the 5 approaches 10 times.
- Sitting on the floor and keeping your back straight, take a deep breath. At the expiration of the softness drag the hands to the toes of the feet, without forgetting the position of the back. Run 10 to 20 times.
- Lying on the back, pull the arms stretched along the body. While exhaling, lift the lower part of the body, leaving the shoulder blades on the floor. Lower the straight legs behind the head, to the extent possible. Perform 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions.
There are many varieties of the profession for the spine. Strengthen your back is capable not only of all exercises for weight loss in the house, and all kinds of leisure sports (swimming).
Tighten the hand
Athletes, doing exercises for beginners often forget the hands, with a attention on a more critical point of view, regions. However, the hands still on the head, and their appearance can say a lot of things, so it is better to enable the pumping of the exercise fitness:
- You'll need the weight of the bottles with water or any other weight. Become exactly, orient to the front. With the expiration to draw hands with resistance training along the thigh. Repeat 3 sets of 15-20 times.
- Using the same material, it vibrates. Plant the hands in different parts of the inhale and exhale slowly attract each other, feeling the tension. Do 4 sets of 15 times.
- The pumps are considered to be one of the most effective exercises for the pumping of the hands. The initial position is the same as in the belt, only the position of the hands a little bit wider. Slowly, bend your elbows and lower the body, the breath, return to the starting position. Need to do 3 sets of 10 times.
For the weight reduction of optional to practice in a fitness club. Today, there are many alternatives to the gym from the line of workouts for losing weight and ending sessions at home for women and men. If you want, get the results, you can in all financial and resources, of opportunities.
How to speed up the results of a good diet
For the quality of the reduce body weight of some of the training sessions may be insufficient. It is recommended to make adjustments to their diet, replacing poor quality and the products useful alternatives. But not too much — with heavy loads, the body is under stress and stores fat.

Adhere to a caloric deficit
There is a golden rule of slimming the body burns fat from the body, when the expenditure of more calories than it consumes.
When counting calories, you have to take into account the rule of Mifflin-San Giora:
The basal metabolism = (9.99 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) – (4.92 * age (in years) – 161.
The figure obtained must be multiplied by the activity coefficient (1.2 to 2.0), estimated reasonably at its level, and then remove the result of 20%. Result will mean the required daily rate of calories for you. Try to follow received a figure without fanaticism.
The bad food causes deposits of salt in the body, and promotes the appearance of acne, disorders of the intestine and the excess weight. For the quality of the reduction of the mass of the body should focus on results. While respecting the power mode and a regular workout slimming will come immediately. And to consolidate the results of the penalty to enter the sport in the list of his hobbies and enjoy a new life.